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How long does it take to replace the primary air filter for the air conditioning system?

According to the filtering efficiency, air purifier replacement filter can be divided into primary air filters, medium efficiency air filters and high efficiency air filters. The air filter itself cannot be repaired. If it is damaged, the air filter will be scrapped, so it should be cleaned and replaced regularly. Different cleaning methods shall be adopted for air filters of different levels. Generally, air filters with low efficiency shall not be cleaned more than three times. The air filter shall be maintained regularly and reasonably to prolong its service life.
After a period of operation, the dust capacity and air resistance of the air filter used in the air conditioning system will reach the maximum value allowed. At this time, the filter must be replaced, otherwise the clean air conditioning system will not operate normally, resulting in reduced air supply, insufficient wind speed and air exchange rate, and the clean room will not be able to achieve the use effect. Before removing the high efficiency filter, take protective measures for indoor equipment to prevent dust accumulated in the air duct, static pressure box, etc. from falling down and polluting the equipment and floor during and after the removal of the terminal air filter. When replacing the air filters at all levels in the clean air conditioning system, pay attention to the conditions under which the air filters at all levels used in the clean air conditioning system should be replaced, depending on their specific conditions
Under normal use conditions, flat plate, folding coarse efficiency or medium efficiency filters are generally replaced once every 1-2 months. After the filter materials are replaced, they can be soaked and rinsed with clean water containing detergent, and then replaced after being dried; After flushing for 1-2 times, a new filter must be replaced to ensure the filtering efficiency.
For the junior air purifier filter replacement, try not to operate continuously for more than 8 hours a day, and replace it every 3-4 months; The HEPA filter can be used for 5-6 months. If there is a differential pressure gauge or differential pressure sensor before and after the filter, the primary filter must be replaced when the differential pressure is greater than 250Pa; For medium efficiency filter, if the differential pressure is greater than 330Pa, it must be replaced; For sub high efficiency filter, when the differential pressure is greater than 400Pa, it must be replaced, and the original filter cannot be reused; For high efficiency filter, when the filter resistance value is greater than 450Pa; Or when the air flow velocity on the air outlet surface is reduced to the minimum, the air flow velocity cannot increase even after the coarse and medium efficiency filters are replaced; Or when irreparable leakage occurs on the surface of the high efficiency filter, a new high efficiency filter must be replaced.

Function: antibacterial, mites removal, odor removal, photocatalyst, cold catalyst
Application scenarios: Offices, shopping malls, schools, public places
HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. It is a standard defined and developed by the U.S. Department of Energy during the 1940s as part of their efforts to contain the spread of particles and contamination resulting from nuclear testing. This standard has since moved into the consumer market and has become commonplace for air purifiers.
To meet the HEPA standard, the filter must remove 99.97% or more of all particles which are 0.3 microns (micrometers) in diameter. In other words, for every 10,000 particles that are 0.3 microns in diameter, only three of them pass through.
The HEPA standard traps very small particles,many of which are invisible to the human eye and harmful to your health. To provide perspective for size, human hair is approximately 80-100 microns in diameter.